Sunday, November 21, 2010

One Head is Better than Two Hands

One of my favorite things about Ghana is how people carry everything on their heads!  And the amounts of things they carry is incredible!

The most impressive carriers I have seen have been the women.  They carry SO much on their heads and then often carry their babies on their backs.  I once saw this young adult woman carrying a big standing stereo speaker on her head! 

People who are selling things on the streets often carry their goods on their heads.

This little boy, age 13, was carrying this big plate of oranges that was probably about 20-25 pounds!  I tried to put it on my head…I could barely hold it let alone hold it with no hands!

Here’s me and Liz trying to fit in!  Somehow we got more stares and laughs...of approval or ridicule I'm not quite sure.  :-) 

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